
Drought in Australia

Level 11 - Listening Lesson #1


Has you country ever gone through a drought? What was it like?
What hardships would people go through in a drought, do you think?
What advice can you give to save water?


Please check the meaning of the following vocabulary before listening to the text.

a severe drought floods
water restrictions noticeable
to criticize weather patterns
to pay attention to sth
to break (a drought) to give sth the respect it deserves

Listening 1

Listen to the text and consider the question below:(Audio)

Is this situation in Australia similar to your country at the moment?

Listening 2

Listen to the text one more time and decide whether the following sentences are true or false.(Audio)

1Australia was drier than this 50 years ago. 
2Brisbane is not the only city to have limitations with water. 
3People think Australians waste too much water. 
4Australia has never been very green. 
5It seems like it was a long time ago when we had rain. 
6The speaker is concerned about the future because the weather never changes.  


How worried are you about things like global warming?

Is enough being done in your area to preserve the environment?

How can people be encouraged to be more considerate of the environment?

Are politicians paying enough attention to the environment?

What are some major causes of pollution?

What are some serious effects of pollution?

Homework (optional)

Write example sentences for the words in the vocabulary list.

a severe drought: We haven’t experienced a severe drought for at least 10 years.
water restrictions:  
weather patterns:  
to pay attention to sth:  
to break a drought:  
to give sth the respect it deserves:  
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