


便利なツール  > 時事英語チャット話題集  > #008



Heads in the sand on climate change 2009/10/29
THIS week's report to Federal Parliament on managing the effects of climate change on Australia's coast will have provided a lightbulb moment for many Australians, as the realisation dawned that along with rising seas and storm surges will come rising insurance costs and declining property values. It is unfortunate that for many people, the economic cost, rather than environmental or humanitarian motivations, will finally spur action on climate change.(More)

Discussion Questions:
1. Would you like to have your ideal home positioned on the seafront ?
2. Should the government prohibit people from building homes close to the sea ?
3. How much can rising sea levels affect communities ?
4. How easy or difficult would it be to have international cooperation to stop the effects of climate change ?
5. Should people who live near the coast pay more in land taxes to help pay for future problems ?
記事引用: WA today


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